18. For Acne Free Skin, Eating Healthly Reduces Acne
For those looking to fight acne, a skin difficulty that may be the result of hormones, heredity and diet, your diet is one of the first things you can switch-up to lessen symptoms. Foods rich in antioxidants, found in most whole and unprocessed foods, as well as those high in anti-inflammatory compounds, nourish and soothe skin from the inside-out. Along with these top 10 foods and recipes to help with acne, it's important to drink ample amounts of water every day. Combined, you're left with a stellar recipe for softer, stronger, healthier skin.
- Squash and Pumpkin
- Flaxseed
- Green Leafy Vegetables
- Red Peppers
- Nuts
- Salmon
- Blue Berries
- Fermented Foods
- Oats
- Eggs
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